Layout and Typography

How to use layouts and typography in daisyUI


Layout, sizing, grids, spacing, etc. all will be handled by Tailwind CSS’s utility classes.
Read more at Tailwind CSS documentation:
Layout, Sizing, Flexbox, Grid, Box alignment, Spacing


daisyUI supports the TailwindCSS Typography plugin
All parts are compatible with daisyUI themes.

Here’s a demo text to demonstrate the Tailwind CSS Typography plugin in combination with daisyUI colors:

Tailwind CSS Typography plugin demo

This is a demo of the Tailwind CSS Typography plugin in action. The plugin provides a set of prose classes that can be used to style your HTML content with minimal effort. When combined with daisyUI, you get access to a variety of themes that are fully compatible with the Typography plugin.

Headers: Making a Statement

Headers are essential for structuring your content and making it easy to read. With Tailwind CSS Typography and daisyUI, you can create headers that stand out and match your chosen theme.

The Big Heading, for the Page Title

Second Heading, for the Page Subtitle

Third Heading, usually for the Section Title

Fourth Heading, usually for the Subsection Title

Fifth Heading, for the Subsubsection Title
Sixth Heading, for the Paragraph Title

Text Formatting: Adding Emphasis

Text formatting is crucial for emphasizing important information. Tailwind CSS Typography makes it simple to apply bold, italic, and other text styles.

Bold and Italic

  • Bold text is perfect for highlighting key points.
  • Italic text is great for emphasizing specific words.
  • Bold and Italic text can be used for extra emphasis.


Blockquotes are an excellent way to highlight quotes or important information. They are styled beautifully with the Typography plugin.

“This is a blockquote. It stands out and draws attention to important information. In HTML, blockquotes are created using the <blockquote> tag. When used with the Typography plugin and daisyUI, blockquotes receive special styling that includes indentation and a different background color - making quoted text visually distinct from the rest of the content. This styling helps create clear visual hierarchy and improves readability while maintaining semantic HTML markup.”

Lists: Organizing Information

Lists are a great way to organize information in a structured manner. Tailwind CSS Typography makes it easy to create both unordered and ordered lists.

Unordered Lists

Unordered lists use bullet points to list items. They are perfect for listing items without a specific order.

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Subitem one
    • Subitem two

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists use numbers to list items. They are ideal for steps or items that need to be in a specific order.

  1. Step one
  2. Step two
    1. Substep one
    2. Substep two

Links are essential for navigation and adding interactivity to your content. Tailwind CSS Typography ensures that links are styled consistently.

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Images are a great way to enhance your content visually. The Typography plugin makes sure they are displayed beautifully.

Daisy flowers

Code: Showcasing Your Work

Code snippets are crucial for technical content. Tailwind CSS Typography provides excellent styling for both inline code and code blocks.

Inline Code

Inline code is perfect for highlighting small pieces of code within a sentence.

Here is an example of inline code: console.log('Hello, world!');

Code Blocks

Code blocks are ideal for displaying larger pieces of code. They are styled beautifully with the Typography plugin.

function greet() {
  console.log('Hello, world!');

Tables: Organizing Data

Tables are essential for organizing data in rows and columns. Tailwind CSS Typography ensures that tables are styled consistently and look great.

Tailwind CSSUtility-first CSS frameworkActive
daisyUITailwind CSS component libraryActive
TypographyTailwind CSS plugin for styling HTMLActive
MarkdownLightweight markup languagePopular
ThemesVarious themes for stylingAvailable

Colors: Adding Vibrancy

daisyUI provides various color schemes that you can use to add vibrancy to your content. Here are some examples:

  • Primary text
  • Secondary text
  • Accent text
  • Info text
  • Success text
  • Warning text
  • Error text


Styling your Markdown-generated HTML has never been easier, thanks to the Tailwind CSS Typography plugin and daisyUI themes. By using headers, text formatting, lists, links, images, code snippets, tables, and colors, you can create rich and visually appealing content with minimal effort. Experiment with these elements and see how they look with different daisyUI themes. Happy styling!

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